Architects committee


The aim of the architectural committee is to produce the technical specifications of the infrastructure which will be implemented by the technical team. It takes into account the needs of the users committee (COURSE) as well as the technical prerequisites to integrate into the European SLICES-RI infrastructure. A subset of SLICES-FR architects contributes to European projects linked to SLICES-RI in order to guarantee interoperability on a European scale.


The committee is made up of a mix of engineers and researchers who cover a maximum of technical and scientific skills in line with the objectives of the infrastructure.


  • Adrien van den Bossche
  • Simon Delamare
  • Matthieu Imbert
  • Pierre Jacquot
  • Baptiste Jonglez
  • Raymond Knopp
  • Remous Aris Koutsiamanis
  • Julien Montavont
  • Pierre Neyron
  • Lucas Nussbaum
  • Franck Rousseau
  • Cedric Roux
  • Damien Saucez
  • Guillaume Schreiner

Deliverables (work in progress)

  • lexicon: This document lists the definitions of the different elements making up the SLICES-FR and SLICES-RI infrastructure

  • 1-requirements: Discussions on the architecture of SLICES-FR must take into account a complex context. Participants in these discussions (or people reading the results of these discussions) may approach them with diverse, sometimes conflicting, viewpoints and goals. The objective of this document is to explain the three main objectives or positions of SLICES-FR: (1) taking into account the ESFRI framework and integration into SLICES-RI; (2) Meeting user needs, both in the short term and in the longer term; (3) the definition of an infrastructure that can be built and operated efficiently.

  • 2-resources : This document describes the resources available to users within SLICES-FR. The document serves as a comprehensive guide for users looking to discover and reserve hardware resources for their experiments. Although hardware resources are the main focus of this document, it is important to note that other types of resources are considered, such as virtual resources (e.g. virtual machines), managed services and networks, will be detailed in separate documents ([5-managed-services] and [6-network-v2]).

  • 3-slices-services: This document presents a stage view of the services that make up the internal architecture of the SLICES-RI infrastructure as described in the SLICES-DS project as well as the services available to users. The document adds details on European specifications. A new division of services is being developed at European level as part of the SLICES-PP project.

  • 4-user-mgmt: The document addresses the management and monitoring of SLICES-FR users, in the context of the prerequisites established by the SLICES-RI project (need for each user to have a unique entity for access to the platform on a European scale and wide openness to both academic and industrial users in particular). The following subjects are discussed: monitoring of scientific productions that have benefited from the use of SLICES-FR, quantity and nature of resources that can be allocated to a user or a project, centralization or not of account databases, liability issues and of trust in a multi-partner context. It is important that these subjects are discussed within the SLICES-FR steering bodies prior to any implementation.

  • 5-managed-services: This document details the ambitions of the SLICES-FR platform regarding the services that will be provided to its end users. He offers his definition of certain terms (Bare-Metal, IaaS, etc.) with the aim of explaining his approach to the problem, the answers he intends to provide as well as their advantages and disadvantages in certain cases. Finally, it lists certain components (or technologies) that could be provided directly “off the shelf” in the platform with the aim of making life easier for its users. The integration of these components/technologies/services must be discussed within the SLICES-FR steering bodies.

  • 6-network-v2: This document describes the network resources and services that will be made available to SLICES-FR experimenters. This includes both the resources and services that will be available on a given site (wired network, Wi-Fi, level 2 isolation, etc.), but also network interconnection services between sites. Finally, the document gives technical recommendations for setting up the network on a SLICES-FR site.

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